UA-50763958-1 Related Links

Finlandia Foundation - Working together to build a stronger Finnish America.
Finnish American Heritage Society (West Paris, Maine)
Finnish Social Club in Monson, Maine
Kantele Laulu (Gray, Maine). It aims to ensure that Finnish Americans' rich musical heritage is preserved and maintained and that the kantele remains a vital part of that heritage.
The Finnish American Reporter is a monthly, English language journal, established in 1986, featuring articles and news reports of interest to Finns across North America, in Finland and around the world.
Finnish Cultural Organization in Washington, DC
A not-for-profit Finnish American newspaper
Finnish American Heritage Center at Finlandia University in Northern Michigan
Finnish American Heritage Society (Canterbury, Conn)
Finnish Center at Saima Park (Fitchburg, Mass)
Finnish Heritage Society Sovittaja (Rutland, Mass)
Uljas Koitto Temperance Society (Pembroke {Quincy} Mass)
Knights & Ladies of Kaleva (Lancaster, Mass)
Knights & Ladies of Kaleva (Littleton Mass)
Finger Lakes Finns (Central NY) A social organization for the preservation, promotion and enjoyment of the Finnish culture
FINNISH HERITAGE MUSEUM ((Fairport Harbor, Ohio)
Finnish American Cultural Activities, Inc. (FACA) (Minneapolis, Minn)
Information about Finnish organizations and events in Minnesota.
Little Finland is the home of the National Finnish American Festival in Northern Wisconsin
Finns and Finns-at-heart, in the Seattle, Puget Sound, and Pacific Northwest Region!
Finnish American Heritage Association (Sonoma, Calif)
Finnish Language School in Washington, DC

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