Genealogical Research Sites
(In English unless otherwise noted)
A study on the origins of the Finnish and Sami peoples
This site includes major links to genealogical research in Finland.
Cyndi's List of Finnish related Genealogy Sites on the Internet is a valuable resource for all amateur genealogists.
Using AI for Genealogical Research
The Web site "RootsWeb" is the Internet's oldest and largest free genealogical community. The genealogical resources includes searchable databases, free Web space, mailing lists, and more
This site provides some free and some pay services to help users learn about genealogy. Students can take a family history tour and create a family tree.
This site allows users to search historical records by category or location, build a family tree. Also includes message boards, news, research tools, and how-to articles.'s Open Directory Search Tool- Society: Genealogy
The Family Search Internet Genealogy Service is an extensive web site dedicated to enabling its users to trace their ancestry.
Institute of Migration aims to promote and carry out migration and ethnic research and to encourage the compilation, storage and documentation of material relating to international and internal migration in Finland. It serves also as a resource site for genealogists.
The data included in the history books has been put into a database and standardized so that searches are possible.
This is a short-cut to HISKI (Finnish version) Parishes, which contain MUCH more data than the English version (above).
Select the Parish name you wish to research, just as on the English version.
The buttons at the bottom: Valituista(select), Tyhjennä(empty), Kaikista(all).
After you reach your selected Parish, go to the bottom left corner and click on: Lisätietoja seurakunnata (More data on Parish).
This brings you to MUCH more information on this Parish, usually including a MAP!
Compliments the HISKI records for Karelia.
Data on many Finnish families. Language in both English & Finnish.
Suomen evankelis-luterilainen kirkko: seurakunnat. This is a Finnish language website for all current Lutheran Parishes in Finland. These can be helpful for anyone personally contacting a specific church.
Mänttäri Family Association was founded in Liikkala village, Sippola parish, province of Viipuri (Viborg), Finland, in 1934. At the moment it is the sixth oldest family association in Finland. Their files now contain 60,000 people, starting in 1610.