UA-50763958-1 Language Class Info | FINNISH HERITAGE HOUSE

Finnish Language Classes

Finnish Language Classes To Return In June 2023

Marja-Leena Bailey will be offering 2 days of Finnish language instruction on Saturday, June 24th and Sunday, June 25th.

The class on Saturday will be for beginning students and those who wish to review the beginning level, and the Sunday class will be for low to high intermediate students. The schedule for each of the two days will include 5 hours of language instruction.

The classes will be held in Jura Hall beneath the Finnish Church on Route 131 (River Road) in South Thomaston.

The cost for each class is $65.00 and Marja-Leena will provide students with copies of the materials.

If you have questions regarding the classes, or if you wish to discuss which level is best suited for you, please contact Marja-Leena Bailey by phone, text or WhatsApp at
978-761-1102, or by email at


Finnish Language Class - Registration
Mailing Address_________________________________________________________________
Email Address__________________________________________________________________
Telephone #____________________________________________________________________

Please circle your class preference

Beginners Class - Saturday, June 24th. Intermediate Class - Sunday, June 25th

Please complete this registration form and mail it together with a check (payable to Finnish Heritage House) to: Finnish Heritage House, P. O. Box 293, South Thomaston, Maine, 04858.

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